Against Despair

A zine about taking your fears for the future and turning them into actions for the future you'd rather see.

In mid-2018, I became convinced that the world was going to end. I was terrified of a future that I thought held nothing but fascism, terror, and environmental disaster. Over the last year and a half I've found ways to deal with that sense of despair, and realised that while there are some bad things in the world right now, it's not as if all is lost. The future is always unknown, and as long as people are working to make the world a better place, there's reason to believe the future will be better.

This is a zine about how to stop despair from taking over your life so that you choose action instead of paralysis, and take part in the work to make the world a better place.

Against Despair in HTML Against Despair in printable PDF

How to share this zine:

Will this website ever look better and have more content? I don't know! I'll try to put the zine up here in HTML format when I have the time. Websites aren't my forte but I wanted somewhere independent to keep the PDF available for download. My biggest priority is getting it out into the world and making sure other people can keep sharing it, too.

Avery Flinders, February 2020

This zine was made on lands stolen from the peoples of the Kulin nation including Wurundjeri and Wathaurung peoples, and the lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. The sovereignty of these peoples was never ceded and as a resident of these lands I am part of the work that still needs to be done towards justice.